Fundraising campaign for homeless people in Aachen
A person, his story, my jewelry – the idea of a charity campaign for homeless people in Aachen took its start in the hard lockdown of the corona pandemic December 2020.
The jewelry objects could be auctioned on Instagram. The proceeds were used to support food distributions and emergency sleeping places in Aachen.

Closer insights around the topic of homelessness gave me especially the employees of Café Plattform and its founder Wolfgang Offermann, press spokesman and fundraiser of Caritas.
A cooperation for this idea developed from this.
In addition to the financial support, the personal approach to these people was and remains the main focus of the art project for me.
Because in addition to material poverty, it is above all the lack of social contacts from family and friends that causes a life on the fringes of society and, in the worst case, a life on the street.
Helping and social commitment does something to us. So what started back then on Instagram is to be continued in this column. Who this topic also touches, can help beyond the time of the pandemic and support homeless people.

This is Pascal. He has been living on the streets for 6 years. Since he is sober, he avoids the emergency sleeping places because there is a lot of drinking and he can’t get a wink of sleep there, as he says.
“Did you make these yourself?” he asks appreciatively of my brooch.
Thank you for your compliment, Pascal
This is Samira. She spent last night outdoors. She hardly slept – also because she had to watch her bags, as she says. Due to the extreme living conditions on the street and the lack of a personal retreat, homeless people in general suffer the consequences of chronic sleep deprivation.
“You’re doing such cool stuff. You can put a cell phone in there….”
Right. This is one of my cell phone bags. Thank you for your compliment, Samira.

I met Dennis at the Aachen Cathedral. It was not difficult for me to approach him as he walked past me. He somehow radiated something open and positive. After the photo, he surprised me by suggesting whether I would like to accompany him for a bit through the city. Then I could ask my questions. He would now get something to eat, urgently needed to gain weight, weighed only 58 kg and in general he had enough of the city.
In his direct manner he asked straightforwardly how old I would be, estimated me over 20 years younger, whereby quite obviously also no mask can hide over my true age. We both had to laugh.
“Did you make the rope yourself? Must have been a lot of work?”
This is Madeleine. “My husband and I met here at Café Plattform in 2015. Now he has dementia and can no longer speak. I take care.”
Madeleine raves about colorful wool, ironing beads and sequins, is proud that her knitted items decorate lanterns and flowerbed posts in Aachen. Poses in front of the camera, again and again wildly clattering with the knitting needles, then abruptly jumps out of the picture again.
“Do you have any leftover wool? When are you coming back?”

That’s Klaus. Café Plattform has been a regular place for him to go for years. In addition to a hot meal, it is above all the social contacts that give him support. Klaus talks about himself in a very calm manner.
When I ask him what he wants from life, he answers, to my surprise, that he is content with the way things are.